nationalise :

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  • v  make national in character or scope
  • v  put under state control or ownership

  • Until then the objectors to the Geithner Plan are left saying nationalise now, but without an answer to the nasty question of which banks to nationalise.
  • I also hope that, if the authorities decide not to nationalise AIG completely at this stage, they will still succeed in making the senior unsecured debt holders and creditors of .
  • In Monotony the aim is to nationalise everything.

  • Alan Greenspan in Philadelphia Inquirer
    Greenspan told the FT: "It may be necessary to temporarily nationalise some banks in order to facilitate a swift and orderly restructuring. I understand that once in a hundred years this is what you do."
  • David Cameron in
    As the turmoil surrounding the lenders' future continues, Mr Cameron added: "I suspect the Government is running out of time and money. If it does nationalise it, it will be a monumental failure."
  • Osama bin Laden in TV3 News
    The Commission will now be in a position to examine matters relating to corporate governance and risk management in each of the banks covered by the government's guarantee up to the date of the government's decision to nationalise Anglo Irish Bank... Brian Lenihan Interactive Investor Jul 7, 2010 66656 88759 nationalism The strength of faith is in the strength of the bond between Muslims and not that of a tribe or nationalism," bin Laden says on the tape.

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