It begins to rain, and soon sleeping bags are turning to mush.
The USGS discounted chances for cataclysmic eruption of the caldera, noting that the hot, active magma chamber below Yellowstone has turned into "largely crystallized mush.
Some of their practices go back 2,000 and 3,000 years to the peyote and mush room and morning-glory cults of the ancient Aztecs and Toltecs.
Learn about bird projects at Sandy Mush ASHEVILLE — The Elisha Mitchell Audubon Society will hold a program on the Birds of Sandy Mush Game Lands by Joe Tomcho and Alex Wilson, starting at 7 tonight at the Reuter Center at UNC Asheville, Room 102.
June 18, 2013 - Asheville Citizen-Times
What Happens When 30 Craft Distillers Descend on Capitol Hill? After a night of drinking dozens of thimble-sized plastic cups of booze—quinoa bourbon, chocolate fudge brownie liqueur, maple-infused vodka—my brain is mush. I vaguely remember being told last night that Danes call a hangover "carpenters in the forehead" but can't remember who told me, with all the hammering behind my eyebrows. A pack of matches with the words "Death's Door" just fell out of my ...
June 13, 2013 - National Journal via Yahoo! News
Allama Iqbal in USA Today No country will want to take such a strong political position when Mush is so unpopular and the whole country is protesting against him,Iqbal said.
Antonin Scalia in Washington Post Justice Antonin Scalia called the law "a mush of language" and pointed out that federal prosecutors have used it different ways in different prosecutions.
Zell Miller in Boston Globe (registration) George Bush wants to grab terrorists by the throat and not let them go to get a better grip,Miller said. "From John Kerry, they get a yes-no-maybe bowl of mush that can only encourage our enemies and confuse our friends."