monstrosity :

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mon stro suh tee

  • n  a person or animal that is markedly unusual or deformed
  • n  something hideous or frightful
    they regarded the atom bomb as a monstrosity

  • The monstrosity's favorite nest is a testicle.
  • We only notice it when an earth-shattering monstrosity like the stimulus bill comes gallumphing down the track, but there is no such thing as elegant legislation.
  • Sam Pollit is an exhausting monstrosity of a husband and father, not always cruel, but always self-regarding "Sam the Bold" is his name for himselfand self-deluding.

  • Mr Blackwell in Reuters
    In one skinny-mini monstrosity after another, pouty 'Posh' can really wreck-em,Blackwell said in his annual list of fashion fiascos among music, movie and television stars.
  • Don Newcombe in
    That's terrible, isn't it? I know the hitters are foaming at the mouth,Newcombe said, his voice rising. "It's a monstrosity, that's not a baseball thing. It was a monstrosity then. We knew that."

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