Today, the Journal devotes the top 40% of its op-ed page to a meretricious piece of crap by Fred Barnes about the great success of the Republican Party's effort to block President .
Plenty of nutballs go on television--as guests--and say all sorts of stupid, meretricious things.
In one excerpt cited in the book, Trink describes the women as "meretricious, avaricious, mendacious and bone lazy.
Ga. Court Says Promise to Marry Is Enforceable The Georgia Court of Appeals rejected a man's defense that any promise he made to marry his live-in girlfriend wasn't enforceable because it was part of a meretricious relationship.
Dec. 5, 2013 -
Robert Fisk in Consortium News British journalist Robert Fisk called Pollack's book the "most meretricious contribution to this utterly fraudulent [war] 'debate' in the United States."
Richard Holbrooke in Holbrooke described the article as "bullshit, meretricious and wrong. I'll be very clear. We are not proposing an international high representative," he told journalists in Brussels.
Aneurin Bevan in Business Standard Bevan called "the so-called affluent society" ugly. "It is a meretricious society. Modern capitalism has not succeeded; it has failed."