mawkish :

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maw kish

  • s  effusively or insincerely emotional

  • The television channels are left with some mawkish soap operas and banal sitcoms.
  • The movie was moving and sentimental but not to the point that it became mawkish.
  • Culture snobs who thought of her as that mawkish woman who was always on a diet now think of her as that mawkish woman on a diet who has got millions of people to read Toni Morrison.
News & Articles

  • Return to Oakpine
    In RETURN TO OAKPINE, his fifth adult novel, Ron Carlson has taken what could have been a mawkish story about four high school classmates who reunite in a small Wyoming town as one of them lies dying and instead has created an engaging miniature that reveals the strength and persistence of long-ago forged bonds of friendship.
    July 19, 2013 - Book Reporter

  • Barney Hoskyns in New York Times
    The book was really rather bitter, and Holly Golightly was real - a tough character, not an Audrey Hepburn type at all. The film became a mawkish valentine to New York City and Holly and, as a result, was thin and pretty, whereas it should have... Truman Capote California Chronicle Jun 15, 2010 62057 82761 mawkish Still, Mr. Hoskyns writes, the Waits we all secretly want" is the early one: "slurred, mawkish, broken."
  • Edgar Wright in (blog)
    Wright says, "The joke is you don't see her, and it is a very emotive scene. It's the idea of doing a sentimental, mawkish scene and not seeing the face of an actress. Later, the idea was, 'Why don't we get somebody really heavyweight to play that...

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