kitschy :

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  • s  effusively or insincerely emotional

  • And if you must, pick up a kitschy souvenir from the gift shop on your way out.
  • On the one hand, the low-key Brits seem far more wowed than Americans by a certain brand of over-the-top, kitschy production from Saturday Night Fever (hit in London, flop on .
  • Making up just 2% of the island's population, Taiwan's aborigines have been reduced to kitschy tribal song and dance at ethnic theme parks.
News & Articles

  • Stop Hating She & Him Already
    Let's be honest: She & Him are an extremely hateable duo. Had Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward quit recording after their first album, Volume 1 , they would have remained cool in a lot more eyes ­— if only because one record's worth of kitschy retro-folk would be easier to look back fo...
    June 19, 2013 - SF Weekly

  • Bohumil Doležal in International Herald Tribune
    Havel gets attention in the West by saying banal, kitschy things,said Bohumil Dolezal, a leading rightist commentator who once worked for Klaus. "One who tries to be responsible for everything isn't responsible for anything."
  • Christian Bale in Socialist Worker Online
    As Bale says of the Batman character, "This apparently lightweight superhero--originally this spoofy, kitschy, campy character--we've actually managed to turn that around. [The analogy of the war on terror] is absolutely one that I read into the...
  • Laura Bell Bundy in Great American Country (blog)
    Out of nowhere Jeff just said, 'giddy on up,'Laura Bell told People of the songwriting session, "and I came back with 'and giddy on out!' We were in hysterics over the kitschy-ness of it, but loved it at the same time."

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