liberalist :

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  • n  a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties

  • He is that kind of die-hard liberalist who know nothing but liberalism.
  • Last week Pastor Harry Emerson Fosdick, liberalist extraordinary, saw one of his dearest ambitions approach its fulfillment when the cornerstone of his new Park Avenue Baptist .
  • First came the Anti-Sabotage Act, under which anyone suspected of "liberalist" ideas could be confined to his home indefinitely, denied the right to be heard in the press, and .
News & Articles

  • China Wanted Capitalism But it Also Got Strikes
    Follow ZeroHedge in Real-Time on FinancialJuice Peering in from the outside or through the looking glass at what’s going down on the other side is always a distortion of reality. We sit here in the west looking at the development, the changes and the progress of China and then the stark reality kicks in. Yes,  China  got capitalist. It got controlled neo-liberalist (if that can ever exist). They ...
    April 18, 2014 - Zero Hedge

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