liberalization :

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li buh ruh li zay shuhn

  • n  the act of making less strict

  • Barbash was the SEC director of investment management from 1993 to 1998, the time the liberalization took place.
  • The institution most challenged by the new wave of social liberalization is the Catholic Church, which resisted the passing of a divorce law two years ago and has decried the .
  • Through an assiduous campaign of relative liberalization, Hungarian Communist Boss Janos Kadar hoped to erase the image of a Moscow toady that attached to him after Russia's .
News & Articles

  • The Group of Eight (G8) Industrialized Nations
    Trade liberalization, tax reform, and transparency in development are expected to dominate the agenda at the 2013 G8 summit. While some critics have called this agenda unambitious --previous summits have focused on eradicating poverty or resolving the financial crisis, for example--CFR's Stewart Patrick commends its "manageable" scope.
    June 14, 2013 - Foreign Relations

  • Hu Jintao in China Daily
    We must continue to promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation and oppose protectionism in all its manifestations,President Hu said.
  • Susan Schwab in International Herald Tribune
    Certain industries face frustrating barriers to doing business in China and there are worrisome signs that China's market liberalization efforts have slowed in the last year,Schwab said in a statement.
  • Craig Mundie in BusinessWeek
    Vietnam has demonstrated to the world its capacity for quantum leaps,said Craig Mundie, chief research and strategy officer for Microsoft Corp., praising the role of "broad-based reform and economic liberalization" in its rapid surge...

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