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  • Kashmir separatists demand scrapping of Mehta concert
    Indian Kashmiri separatists are demanding the cancellation of a concert by celebrated conductor Zubin Mehta to be staged in the disputed territory next month, saying it would legitimise Indian "state repression".
    Aug. 27, 2013 - AFP via Yahoo! News

  • Lauren Booth in The Age
    I hope the decision to allow these students to travel to Cyprus will help to legitimise this passage between Gaza and Cyprus, to actually open a route that would allow people here freedom of movement,Ms Booth told The Age. "It's also very...
  • Messaoud Ould Boulkheir in AFP
    The results which are starting to come out show that it is an electoral charade which is trying to legitimise the coupon August 6 last year, the anti-junta front's candidate Messaoud Ould Boulkheir told a press conference.
  • Recep Tayyip Erdogan in The Guardian
    Israel in no way can legitimise this murder, it cannot wash its hands of this blood,Erdogan said.

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