Romano Cagnoni Getty Although its capital is notorious among stoners and college kids for marijuana hazefilled "coffee shops," Holland has never actually legalized cannabis .
After 15 years of talks, Taiwans legislature has passed a bill to legalize gambling on the Penghu islands, located off the west coast of Taiwans main island.
Banned for safety and liability reasons, the ocean sport is on the path to being legalized in the Windy City's waters.
The payday Trojan horse By Joseph Sabino Mistick, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review The tale of the Trojan horse, and the trickery it symbolizes, provides a dead-on example of the most recent efforts to legalize payday lending in ...
June 16, 2013 - The Mckeesport Daily News
MMA: Female participants call sport empowering, not sexist JUNE 3 MIXED MARTIAL ARTS Women who practice mixed martial arts urged the New York Assembly to legalize its professional competition this year, countering arguments from female critics who say it promotes sexist attitudes and violence at home. While the state Senate has voted to legalize and regulate the sport like most states and Gov. Andrew Cuomo says he’s not opposed, passage is up to the ...
June 14, 2013 - The Evening Times
Carlos Santana in USA Today Legalize marijuana and take all that money and invest it in teachers and in education,Santana said in an interview this week. "You will see a transformation in America."
Timur in USA Today Russia is trying to legalize the results of an ethnic cleansing it has conducted, to oppose it to the West,Georgia's state minister on reintegration, Timur Yakobashvili, told The Associated Press. "But it will result in Russia's isolation...
Erin Murphy in The Associated Press No matter what happens, we will never reconcile with the fact of annexation or indeed separation of parts of territory from Georgia; with the attempt to legalize ethnic cleansing; and with the attempts to bring Georgia to its knees and undermine... Mikhail Saakashvili TIME,8599,1833464,00.html&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNFjDNklDrcDwzmHq1u1OPbypVfWiw Aug 17, 2008
57558 76492 legally It is legally as low as they could go without acquitting him," University of California, Berkeley, law school professor Erin Murphy said.