criminalize :

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kri muh nuh lahyz

  • v  treat as a criminal
  • v  declare illegal; outlaw
    Marijuana is criminalized in the U.S.

  • Islands like Barbados still criminalize homosexuality, and some seem to be following Jamaica's more violent example.
  • Only an overzealous prosecutor and a liberal Washington jury would criminalize a bad one, he argued.
  • While I think Brownell is wrong to criminalize Ronald, we agree about the dangers of childhood obesity.
News & Articles

  • Judge: Supreme Court sign ban unconstitutional
    WASHINGTON — In a case that could end with the Supreme Court deciding how much free speech to allow on its own doorstep, a federal judge has thrown out a law barring processions and expressive banners on the Supreme Court grounds. The law is so broad, the judge said, that it could criminalize preschool students parading on their first field trip to the high court. Harold Hodge Jr. was arrested ...
    June 12, 2013 - Boston Herald
  • ASPCA Commends U.S. Senate for Passing Strong Animal Fighting Provision in Farm Bill
    Legislation would criminalize attendance at animal fights. (PRWeb June 11, 2013) Read the full story at
    June 11, 2013 - PRWeb
  • Russian anti-gay protests turn violent
    MOSCOW, June 11 (UPI) -- Pro- and anti-gay protesters clashed outside Russia's parliament Tuesday as lawmakers debated bills that would criminalize promoting homosexual relationships.
    June 11, 2013 - UPI

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