illustration for time by gary baseman from the january 17, 2004 issue of time magazine; posted sunday, january 9, 2004 copyright 2004 time inc.
With so much Photoshopping going around, it has to be really convincing and seamless when you do it (while, of course, letting the reader know that it is a photo-illustration).
Wonder Woman: Not strong enough for silver screen - yet This illustration released by DC Comics shows an image of Wonder Woman by artist Nicola Scott. Illustration provided by DC Comics Why, with her pop-culture icon status, her role as a female hero in comics and a powerful stint on a TV series, can't Wonder Woman get Hollywood to give her a solo shot on the silver screen?
June 14, 2013 - The Journal News
Introducing: The Atlantic Weekly During its first 90 years, The Atlantic featured its table of contents, rather than a photograph or illustration, on its cover. For this, our first weekly magazine, we've revived that tradition of simplicity--not ...
June 14, 2013 - The Atlantic via Yahoo! Finance
Barbara Piper, Hopkins employee She was assistant to the dean of Hopkins' medical illustration department and a friend to the homeless Barbara "Babs" Piper, a former administrative assistant at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, died Wednesday of complications from acute bipolar disorder at her Rodgers Forge home. She was 63.
June 13, 2013 - Baltimore Sun