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i luh stray shuhn

  • n  artwork that helps make something clear or attractive
  • n  showing by example
  • n  an item of information that is typical of a class or group
  • n  a visual representation (a picture or diagram) that is used make some subject more pleasing or easier to understand

  • Photo-illustration for PTI by Mark Hess.
  • illustration for time by gary baseman from the january 17, 2004 issue of time magazine; posted sunday, january 9, 2004 copyright 2004 time inc.
  • With so much Photoshopping going around, it has to be really convincing and seamless when you do it (while, of course, letting the reader know that it is a photo-illustration).
News & Articles

  • Wonder Woman: Not strong enough for silver screen - yet
    This illustration released by DC Comics shows an image of Wonder Woman by artist Nicola Scott. Illustration provided by DC Comics Why, with her pop-culture icon status, her role as a female hero in comics and a powerful stint on a TV series, can't Wonder Woman get Hollywood to give her a solo shot on the silver screen?
    June 14, 2013 - The Journal News
  • Introducing: The Atlantic Weekly
    During its first 90 years, The Atlantic featured its table of contents, rather than a photograph or illustration, on its cover. For this, our first weekly magazine, we've revived that tradition of simplicity--not ...
    June 14, 2013 - The Atlantic via Yahoo! Finance
  • Barbara Piper, Hopkins employee
    She was assistant to the dean of Hopkins' medical illustration department and a friend to the homeless Barbara "Babs" Piper, a former administrative assistant at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, died Wednesday of complications from acute bipolar disorder at her Rodgers Forge home. She was 63.        
    June 13, 2013 - Baltimore Sun

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