5 WWE Superstars Who Could Still Be Repackaged to Find Success The WWE roster is filled with several Superstars who once had a bad gimmick, but found new life after being repackaged into someone completely different. Damien Sandow was Idol Stevens, Kane was Isaac Yankem DDS, Dolph Ziggler was Nicky of The Spirit Squad, and we have the recent examples of Johnny Curtis becoming Fandango and Michael McGillicutty becoming Curtis Axel. Sometimes all it takes is ...
June 11, 2013 - Bleacher Report
Zeb Colter with Antonio Cesaro Is a Perfect Heel Pairing The best could be yet to come for Zeb Colter in WWE , if he pairs himself with Antonio Cesaro. Things may have finally caught up with Jack Swagger. I liked him as a performer and the "We The People" gimmick. However, Colter was over and Swagger wasn't. Momentum was lost in the World Heavyweight Championship title picture due to Ziggler's injury, which caused Swagger to be left on an island ...
June 11, 2013 - Bleacher Report
Hillary Rodham Clinton in FOXNews All I hear about is gas prices. Gas and diesel, everywhere,Clinton said in Kinston, NC "Some people say we don't need to get a gas tax holiday at all, it'sa gimmick : I want the Congress to stand up and vote. Are they for the oil...
Barack Obama in 940 News Obama called the proposal a "classic Washington gimmick" that wouldn't solve anything and would save only $28 for each person.
Chris Grayling in guardian.co.uk Grayling said in a live BBC television interview: "I hope that this isn't a political gimmick. We've seen too many appointments in this government of external people where it's all been about Gordon Brown's PR."