Ultimately, the network will be capable of data-transmission speeds of up to one gigabit per second, says John Lindsay, carrier relations manager at Internode, an Internet service .
The devices, trained on each other through windows, can send a gigabit of information per second--600 times faster than the T-1 lines used in many offices.
Eight applications, ranging from an Amazon book-review tool to a store-and-share space for a gigabit of files, went live Tuesday night.
Apps coming at 70 percent the speed of light No Google Fiber? No problem -- at least not for developers, some of whom are already writing apps for the coming gigabit Ethernet world. Originally posted at News - Internet & Media
June 18, 2013 - CNET
Leonid Kravchuk in FOXBusiness The need for a 10 gigabit network is related to the significant dynamic growth of PeterStar's customer traffic,said Ilya Kravchuk, acting general director of PeterStar. "Deploying such a powerful and scalable network is an investment for...
Jack Tretton in Reuters.uk With the Summit X650, Extreme Networks is the first and only network vendor to provide the market with a complete family of fixed switches--from 10/100 fixed switches to dense 10 Gigabit fixed switches for top of the rack in the data center-- that... Jeetendra http://www.google.com/url?q=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeetendra&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNGZlAwE43lSNZthoqPkQXjnUopceg itVARnews.net (press release) http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.itvarnews.net/news.php%3Fj%3D8480&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNG-jJV8iUlZ7SxWXItEieVGxE4yIw Feb 4, 2009
41961 57697 gigabyte We're choosing to focus on the PlayStation 2 consumer with the PlayStation 2, which remains incredibly relevant, and focus on the PlayStation 3 consumer with the new 40-gigabyte model and the great software coming out," Tretton said....