gigot :

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ji guht

  • n  lamb leg suitable for roasting

  • Leg of mutton is still known by its French name, gigot, though it is pronounced "jiggott.
  • Twice a day you will turn the gigot.
  • To some it stands for eateries serving such traditional French fare as coq au vin, pot-au-feu and gigot.
News & Articles

  • Why The Financial Press Buys Into A Non-Existent Keynesian Consensus
    Few Wall Street Journal readers know that its news and opinion sections are written and managed separately. Whereas the opinion section – as edited by the late Robert Bartley and now Paul Gigot – consistently champions fiscal discipline, smaller government, and lower marginal tax rates, analysts from the Journal’s news side – David Wessel and Gerald Seib, in particular – are consistent ...
    June 12, 2013 - Forbes

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