f lahyz
- n (theater) the space over the stage (out of view of the audience) used to store scenery (drop curtains)
- n two-winged insects characterized by active flight
- n flap consisting of a piece of canvas that can be drawn back to provide entrance to a tent
- n an opening in a garment that is closed by a zipper or by buttons concealed under a fold of cloth
- n (baseball) a hit that flies up in the air
- n fisherman's lure consisting of a fishhook decorated to look like an insect
- v travel through the air; be airborne
- v move quickly or suddenly
- v operate an airplane
- v transport by aeroplane
- v cause to fly or float
- v be dispersed or disseminated
- v change quickly from one emotional state to another
- v pass away rapidly
Time flies like an arrow - v travel in an airplane
- v display in the air or cause to float
- v run away quickly
- v travel over (an area of land or sea) in an aircraft
- v hit a fly
- v decrease rapidly and disappear
- Corn-rich Iowa is also rich in flies.
- Sometimes they wait for the flies when they are emerging upward, attached to a self-created gas bubble.
- Do flies sleep? after prodding and tapping fruit flies, measuring their activity with ultrasound and infrared detectors, blasting them with sound waves and monitoring their genes .