Could More Efficient Crops Feed a Growing, Warmer World? In the shadow of a boisterous debate about the safety of growing crops that have been genetically modified, otherwise known as GMOs, the potential of good old-fashioned crossbreeding has been making... -- Read more on
Aug. 30, 2013 - Scientific American
Michelle Bachelet in Prensa Latina This is something that no civilised country can continue to tolerate. We want to stop the approach of anything goes in terms of hunting and crossbreeding. Some practices which have been developed over years and decades are distasteful and... Marthinus van Schalkwyk,13262,1601451,00.html&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNGPaQdHdLv0ys5m-t2D_1Wuw-oKOw Oct 26, 2005
23750 31808 crossbreeding In a ceremony at La Moneda Palace on Friday, Bachelet described Brouwer as a fundamental musician of Our America" and his work as "a sign of profound cultural crossbreeding, a synthesis of creation diversity and adventure."