miscegenation :

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  • n  reproduction by parents of different races (especially by white and non-white persons)

  • That dubious distinction frustrates some Hispanics, who believe they belong to a separate race, the product of an epic Latin American miscegenation of Iberian, Native American and .
  • It is a drama of miscegenation, called All God's Chillun Got Wings.
  • But to lose over the ancient fear of miscegenation is ridiculous.
News & Articles

  • George Zimmerman Is Not Guilty. But He Is Not Innocent.
    In 1870, just five years after the Civil War ended, a white state senator in Hinds County, Mississippi, in the very heart of the Old Confederacy, just on the southern edge of the Mississippi Delta, married a black Northern woman. This man, A.T. Morgan, wasn’t scorned for his miscegenation (a deed not constitutionally protected by the Supreme Court for another century). In fact, he was reelected ...
    July 15, 2013 - San Antonio Current

  • Trent Lott in Sound Politics (blog)
    Take a look at what Lott said he was "proud" to have voted for in 1948: "We stand for the segregation of the races and the racial identity of each race . . . . We oppose the elimination of segregation, the repeal of miscegenation statutes . . . . We...
  • Condoleezza Rice in Wall Street Journal
    We have a racial birth defect that we've never quite dealt with,Rice said. "Which is that, really, there were two founding races-Europeans and Africans. They came here together, there was miscegenation. We founded and built this country...

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