Health Sciences Boot Camp at Fayetteville Tech June 17-21 Fayetteville Technical Community College will host a Health Sciences Boot Camp on June 17-21 for ninth and tenth -grade students. The camp, a partnership with Cumberland County Schools and Communities In Schools, is funded through a College Access Challenge Grant.
June 12, 2013 - The Fayetteville Observer
State Board of Education OKs special ed teacher boot camps For candidates, a boot camp would be the start of a three-year alternative pathway to a standard teaching certificate and open the door to those who decide to continue on to earn a master's degree in special education.
June 12, 2013 - Tulsa World
Ken Salazar in BusinessWeek In his speech, Paul criticized administration comments toward BP, especially remarks by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, who told CNN last month: "Our job basically is to keep the boot on the neck of British Petroleum."
Richard Branson in ABC News Steve is a tough old boot,Branson said in the statement. "I suspect he is waiting by his plane right now for someone to pick him up."
John Terry in The Guardian (blog) I took a slight knock in training but with such an important match on Saturday the right course of action was to put a protective boot on my right foot and have a CT scan,said Terry in a statement. "The scan has shown there is no break and...