arid :

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a ruhd

  • s  lacking sufficient water or rainfall
    an arid climate
  • s  lacking vitality or spirit; lifeless
    a technically perfect but arid performance of the sonata

  • While taking a trip to Tucson, we could see just how arid the desert regions are in the summer months.
  • The most arid region of the world received copious rainfall and this was a good indicator of climate change.
  • Speculation is rife, but facts elusive, over why Israeli warplanes were over above the arid plains of northern Syria early Thursday.
News & Articles

  • 2010 Angel Vine Alder Ridge Vineyard Columbia Valley Zinfandel
    Situated 15 miles west of the small town of Patterson, Washington, Alder Ridge is set atop a series of arid, sparsely vegetated ridges that shoot up nearly 1000 feet at their highest point above the great river This is...
    June 18, 2013 - The Oregonian
  • Good watering makes good gardens
    Plants need water to keep cool, pump minerals up to their leaves and grow. And in many regions and many seasons, they can fend for themselves getting water. Used to be, they had to. It was less than a hundred years ago that garden hoses came on the scene. Before that, rainfall was pretty much all plants got, except in arid regions where periodic "flood irrigation" was used. Still, plants ...
    June 16, 2013 - Sentinel & Enterprise

  • Lula da Silva in FOXNews
    It will help create jobs and income in the poorest regions of our country, especially in the northeastern semi-arid region, where many of these crops are actually native,Silva said at the facility, which his operated by a subsidiary of the...
  • President Bush in FOXNews
    The Vermillion Basin is a stark, untrammeled landscape of fragile beauty. It contains just 2 percent of the high oil and gas potential in the Little Snake management area. But because of the arid conditions that make this basin so spectacular, the... Bill Ritter Sky Hi Daily News Jun 30, 2010 5290 7737 arid Whether you serve in the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard, each of you has stepped forward to serve," Bush said when he took the stage. "You have risked your lives in far away mountains and arid deserts, in perilous...

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