alcoholic :

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al kuh ho lik

  • n  a person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually
  • a  characteristic of or containing alcohol
    alcoholic drinks
  • s  addicted to alcohol
    alcoholic expatriates in Paris"- Carl Van Doren

  • The result is a highly potent drink (45% alcoholic), with an apple aftertaste which is the favorite tipple of his friends.
  • Prohibitionists were delighted, anti's were disgusted, last week, to learn that a poisonous snake bite should not be followed by a powerful alcoholic drink.
News & Articles


  • Hardy Myers in San Diego Union Tribune
    Nonalcoholic energy drinks are very popular with today's youth,Oregon Attorney General Hardy Myers said. "Beverage companies are unconscionably appealing to young drinkers with claims about the stimulating properties of alcoholic energy...
  • Lindsay Lohan in CNN
    But in a December 15 declaration, Lohan stated: "I did not consume an alcoholic beverage or any type of medication or drug" either before or during her restaurant visit.
  • Roger Goodell in USA Today
    I believe that no constructive purpose is served by clubs continuing to make alcoholic beverages available, and that doing so imposes significant and unnecessary risks to the league, its players and others,Goodell wrote to all 32 teams in a...

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