afrikaner :

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af ruh ko ner

  • n  a white native of Cape Province who is a descendant of Dutch settlers and who speaks Afrikaans
  • a  belonging or relating to white people of South Africa whose ancestors were Dutch or to their language
News & Articles

  • Whites-only enclave resurrects old pains
    Afrikaners in Kleinfontein run a settlement where no blacks are allowed to buy or rent houses.
    July 24, 2013 - Washington Post
  • All-white communities in South Africa recall apartheid's legacy
    At the entrance to this rural settlement is a well-kept shrine to the primary architect of apartheid. Nearby rests an old wheelbarrow, a symbol of the white Afrikaners who once ruled the country. Inside the coffee shop, at the bank, everywhere, there are only white faces.
    July 24, 2013 - The Oneida Daily Dispatch

  • Desmond Tutu in Reuters
    Let me tell this ANC government what I told the Afrikaner ...... government: 'You may have power now but you are not God',Tutu said in an interview broadcast by South Africa's eTV late Tuesday and Wednesday. "Remember you are not God. And...
  • Nelson Mandela in USA Today
    Mandela recalled going into the meeting thinking he was seeing "the very model of the old-fashioned, stiff-necked, stubborn Afrikaner who did not so much discuss matters with black leaders as dictate to them."
  • Jacob Zuma in The Times
    Drawing his audience in further, Zuma said: "It is the only white tribe in a black continent or outside of Europe which is truly African, the Afrikaner."

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