aflutter :

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uhf luh ter

  • s  excited in anticipation

  • He sets hearts aflutter for both straight and gay people because he's young, handsome and charismatic.
  • There's nothing like budding branches to set your heart aflutter.
  • As with her more than 150 previous, best-selling romance novels, her new book, Blood Brothers, is certain to set readers' hearts aflutter.
News & Articles

  • Friday Poll: Are traditional gaming consoles on their way out?
    Do these look like dinosaurs to you? (Credit: Microsoft and Sony) The gaming world is all aflutter with the impending debut of the latest and greatest gaming consoles from Microsoft and Sony. It's been fun debating their strengths and weaknesses and design aesthetics, but this could potentially be the last go-round for the dedicated living room gaming console. CNET Senior Editor Dan Ackerman ...
    June 14, 2013 - CNET
  • Hansel and Gretel Nursery School holds 40th graduation
    Hansel and Gretel Nursery School holds 40th graduation Times Union Copyright 2013 Times Union. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Published 12:45 pm, Tuesday, June 11, 2013 On graduation day the cozy classroom was aflutter with young boys and girls, all dressed in matching pink and blue graduation gowns and caps. Griner makes this ...
    June 11, 2013 - Albany Times Union

  • Josh Schwartz in IGN
    Fedak revealed she's a new member of the Nerd Herd, who Schwartz noted, "is going to set multiple hearts aflutter, not just Chuck's."
  • Elvis Costello in
    Well, we have a little tent where the principle singers sit when they're not onstage,said Costello. "Obviously the girls are all aflutter at getting to cavort with a rock God ......"
  • Rudi Dutschke in Boston Globe (registration)
    Yeah, I'm nervous. My stomach is sometimes aflutter,Dutschke said. "The stakes are a lot higher than just talking about my father. This is real politics: It's a whole new ballgame."

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