accommodate :

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uh ko muh dayt

  • v  be agreeable or acceptable to
  • v  make fit for, or change to suit a new purpose
  • v  provide with something desired or needed
    Can you accommodate me with a rental car?
  • v  have room for; hold without crowding
    This hotel can accommodate 250 guests
  • v  provide housing for
  • v  provide a service or favor for someone
  • v  make (one thing) compatible with (another)
    The scientists had to accommodate the new results with the existing theories

  • For Gen X, it means moving in and out of the workforce to accommodate kids and outside interests.
  • The one big exception was a monster truck so enormous that the course had to be widened to accommodate it.
  • He is not a crusader, however, and will try to accommodate the imperatives of both sides.
News & Articles


  • President Bush in Hartford Courant
    If I were a betting man, we'll reach an agreement with the Iraqis,Bush said. "Of course, we're there at their invitation. It's a sovereign nation ...... We're going to work hard to accommodate their desires. It's their country."
  • Pat Bowlen in New York Times
    Therefore, Bowlen said, "We will begin discussions with other teams in an effort to accommodate his request to be traded."
  • Roger Goodell in Forbes
    We are trying to accommodate consumers, our fans and the fans of Rutgers, to let them know we are trying to resolve this issue,said Goodell, who said he also has spoken with Gov. Jon Corzine and Sen. Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey. "We...

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