abridge :

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uhb rij

  • v  reduce in scope while retaining essential elements
  • v  lessen, diminish, or curtail
    the new law might abridge our freedom of expression

  • Proponents of abortion argue that anti-abortion laws not only abridge women's rights but abridge them unequally.
  • No State should make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens.
  • It is shameful that we are trying to abridge the honor code that so carefully drafted by our founding fathers.
News & Articles

  • KCST’s ‘Complete Works’ doesn’t abridge laughs
    I am slain | Stephan Adamów, left, and Noel Gutierrez-Morfin, both CC ’15, play exaggerated versions of themselves in “The Complete Works of Wiliam Shakespeare (Abridged),” in which a six-person cast races to perform all 37 of the bard’s plays in under two hours, with side-splitting results.
    Oct. 29, 2013 - Columbia Daily Spectator

  • Kofi Annan in Asia Times Online
    Even the necessary and legitimate struggle around the world against terrorism is used as a pretext to abridge or abrogate fundamental human rights, thereby ceding moral ground to the terrorists and helping them find new recruits,Annan said.
  • John Winthrop in WBUR
    Winthrop said that "to do justly, to love mercy, to walk humbly with our God,: we must be knit together in this work [of building a new society] as one man, we must entertain each other in brotherly affection, we must be willing to abridge ourselves...

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