JXL is normally known as Junkie XL, but the estate asked that in this case he abbreviate the "Junkie.
There he spoke with mild wonder of a short visit to Atlantic City calculated to lengthen, not abbreviate, his life.
Forced to abbreviate, to underline, to shade his story, Director Marion Gering managed to preserve in the picture the calm sympathy for persons innocently trapped in a dilemma which was the chief characteristic of Dreiser's book.
Soaked celebration in Skaneateles Skaneateles High School’s class of 2013, 142 strong, were awarded their diplomas at the school’s commencement ceremony on June 23 at Clift Park. Though an imposing thunderstorm forced the administration to abbreviate the formal ceremony, all the students were able to graduate and then jump into the lake.
June 24, 2013 - Skaneateles Press
Cameron Diaz in Dose.ca It's a 'rom-com' as they call it in England. I don't know why they like to abbreviate, but they do,says Diaz. "They say 'rom-com' and I'm like, 'What are you talking about? What's a rom com?' The blond came out: Once I got it clear, I was...
Kip Wells in MLB.com If there's any kind of irregularity in your delivery, from any standpoint, the stretch is going to abbreviate that,Wells said. "For me, continuing to have the same mental focus with nobody on and nobody out that I have with a man on first...
Saul Williams in The Age The music aids the message,Williams says. "It's there to punctuate and abbreviate and shape the silence."