abide :

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uh bahyd

  • v  dwell
  • v  put up with something or somebody unpleasant

  • And I think it's important for this side to abide by their commitments when it comes to settlements, in the same way that the other side abide by their commitments for cracking down on militants.
  • Rademacher himself sent telegrams urging strikers to abide by the ageement.
  • This is because limerence depends on game playing, coyness, trial balloons and all sorts of other manipulations that the women's movement can't abide.
News & Articles

  • The Moral Code of Physicians
    Physicians attempt to abide by the Hippocratic oath, which has existed in various forms since ancient times. The modern version states , in part: “I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.” (Emphasis added.) The classical version states : “Whatever houses I may visit, I will come ...
    June 19, 2013 - Opposing Views
  • Chrysler agrees to recall Jeeps at risk of fire
    Chrysler will abide by a government request to recall Jeep Grand Cherokee and Liberty SUVs that could be at risk of a fuel tank fire.
    June 18, 2013 - WABC-TV New York
  • Boehner Seeks To Reassure House GOP On Immigration
    House Speaker John Boehner strongly suggested he would abide by the Hastert rule on immigration legislation, meaning no floor vote unless a majority of House Republicans backed the bill.
    June 18, 2013 - NPR

  • Elena Kagan in FOXNews
    I will make no pledges this week other than this one -- that if confirmed, I will remember and abide by all these lessons,she said. "I will listen hard, to every party before the court and to each of my colleagues."
  • Barack Obama in Indian Express
    We believe we can abide by a rule that says we don't torture, but we can effectively obtain the intelligence we need,Obama said.

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