retransmit :

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  • v  transmit again

  • Not content to just retransmit the local crop report, Hunan came up with a slate of all-new programs geared to popular (read: low-brow) tastes.
  • Once a plane's instruments sense that radar signals are bouncing off it, they identify the type of pulses, memorize them and then retransmit them.
  • To make doubly sure that they have extracted all possible information, JPL scientists may let Mariner retransmit all its picture signals for comparative study.
News & Articles


  • Kori Bernards in USA Today
    Unlike with a set-top box, Cablevision will copy copyrighted content and retransmit it without authorization,says Kori Bernards of the industry's Motion Picture Association of America. "Cablevision's refusal to seek a license has left the...

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