repossess :

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ree puh zes

  • v  claim back
  • v  regain possession of something

  • One enterprising company, NetNames International, even specializes in "domain-name recovery" and claims to have a stable of 60 attorneys worldwide standing by to repossess ill .
  • Then there are all the houses it has to repossess as people stop paying their mortgages.
  • If a borrower defaults, there is no house to repossess.
News & Articles


  • Richard Hofstadter in Atlanta Journal Constitution
    But the modern right wing : feels dispossessed,Hofstadter wrote. "America has been largely taken away from them and their kind, though they are determined to try to repossess it and to prevent the final destructive act of subversion. The...
  • Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett in Easier (press release)
    Housing minister, Margaret Beckett said: "We must ensure that every avenue has been explored before lenders seek to repossess homes. These new measures will further protect the most vulnerable households in the current economic climate. We have...
  • Jesse Jackson in Newsday
    Restructure loans; not repossess homes,Jackson said before addressing nearly 200 cheering students at American History High School.

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