But is the low VIX a loaded spring ready to uncoil upon another bit of bad news, or is the investor-anxiety balloon finally deflating? Traditionally, the VIX has been described as a .
The intent was to make a "realistic" western in which a little sporadic violence would uncoil naturally, like a rattler surprised during a desert snooze.
If you could uncoil a strip of DNA, it would reach 6 ft.
Guggenheim Sums Up The Fed's Dilemma Via Scott Minerd of Guggenheim Securities, “ Volatility is rising and asset prices are highly vulnerable to all incoming news. Recent sell-offs in stocks and bonds indicate that the current uptrend could uncoil before the end of quantitative easing (QE). The amount of attention paid to rumors about QE highlights how vulnerable the U.S. economy is to the prospect of a tapering in asset purchases ...
June 6, 2013 - Zero Hedge