n someone who leads you to believe something that is not true
n a mischievous supernatural being found in the folklore of many primitive people; sometimes distinguished by prodigious biological drives and exaggerated bodily parts
Whedon giving Loki a time out We won't have Loki to kick around (or, if you're the Hulk, pound into the floor) anymore. That's according to writer/director Joss Whedon, who says that the Asgardian trickster and adopted brother of Thor won't appear in "The Avengers 2."
June 18, 2013 - NBC NEWS
No Loki For 'Avengers 2,' Joss Whedon Confirms Loki fans, time to break out your sad-faces: the Asgardian Trickster God won't be coming back for "The Avengers 2." Director Joss Whedon broke the news while speaking with Empire recently, stating that he's not aiming to chase the same successes of his first record-breaking "Avengers" film while developing the upcoming sequel. Tom Hiddleston's fan-favorite [...]
June 17, 2013 - MTV
Daniel in Broadway World Trickster is an excellent play for us to debut our new green mission,says Artistic Director Daniel Horrigan, "It's a play filled with oral history and vibrant words and I'm really excited to create a simple, rich landscape for the play and...
Lewis Hyde in PopMatters Every group has its edge, its sense of in and out, and the trickster is always there, at the gates of the city and the gates of life, making sure there is commerce,Hyde writes in Trickster Makes This World. "We constantly distinguish-right...
Dan DiDio in Fort Wayne News Sentinel Pied Piper being gay and Trickster being homophobic creates comic situations, but it also allows us to do some interesting delving into character and story,DiDio said.