tahy dee
- n receptacle that holds odds and ends (as sewing materials)
- v put (things or places) in order
- a marked by order and cleanliness in appearance or habits
a tidy person
a tidy house
a tidy mind - s (of hair) neat and tidy
- s large in amount or extent or degree
a tidy sum of money
- Packed with red herrings and digressions and leads that lead nowhere, 2666 is a work of anger and anarchy that laughs bitterly at the idea of tidy resolutions.
- What's more, informed consent may be a tidy legal concept, but it's arguable that a patient facing death without a new heart or kidney is no more capable of cool deliberation than .
- Too many novels feel tidy, as if the world were neatly divisible into East and West, good and bad.