This is the land of steaks so sizeable they hang off plates, and Yao is happily chowing down on Texas beef, along with the Shanghainese dumplings his mother cooks for him in their .
In early August, females gave Kerry a sizeable 50%-36% lead over Bush.
But a sizeable majority of the public seems to recognize that too good to be true notion that coverage can be expanded dramatically without raising taxes or suffering a decrease in .
Au revoir Paris! Geneva has most expensive club sandwich Annual Club Sandwich Index (CSI) shows sizeable pricing changes in 2013 TORONTO, June 12, 2013 /CNW/ - The City of Light is no longer the most expensive city in the world to order a club sandwich, ...
June 12, 2013 - PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
John Thain in Forbes Thain said on Monday after the announcement of the Temasek and Davis investments that "we see significant benefits from partnering with Temesek Holdings given its sizeable investments across Asia particularly in Singapore, China and India. We view...
Glenn Stevens in Sydney Morning Herald In these circumstances, the board judged that a further sizeable reduction in the cash rate was appropriate, to give further support to demand,Mr Stevens said in a statement following Tuesday's board meeting.
Tom Hicks in ESPN I'm exploring my own group and have talked to a group of local investors,Hicks said from his office at the Crescent in Dallas. "Sizeable commitments have been made. This would allow us to have continuity with the plan we started five years...