swilling :

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swi ling

  • n  the drinking of large mouthfuls rapidly
  • v  feed pigs
  • v  drink large quantities of (liquid, especially alcoholic drink)

  • A drink whose reputation is usually linked with British sailors and Caribbean pirates--Blackbeard liked to mix his rum with gunpowder and light it before swilling--has suddenly .
  • Here was someone his balding, angst-ridden, sake-swilling countrymen could toast.
  • Ethnocomedy in Germany likely originated with Turkish actor Hilmi Szer, who played the sidekick of a beer-swilling German tourist in Majorca in Ballermann 6, an over-the-top 1997 .
News & Articles

  • The Eroding Edge of America
    Folly Beach: A six-mile strip of sand, situated at the dead end of a highway and far removed from the genteel influence of peninsular Charleston. Since the early 18th century when pirates allegedly made stops on the island, successive waves of eccentrics, good ol' boys, damn Yankees, and beer-swilling spring breakers have crashed on her shores and somehow created a community.
    June 12, 2013 - Charleston City Paper
  • The Definitive Guide to Drinking Iced Coffee, Every Which Way
    What do you drink first thing in the morning? Is it ... coffee? Many many of us out there in the world are indeed a bunch of caffeine-swilling coffee drinkers, this is true. We gotta get our joe, our java, what are people calling it these days? Aren't Mondays the worst!? Once you sip the hot, sustaining liquid in your Simpsons mug, you think, maybe it's not so bad after all (and also, it's ...
    June 7, 2013 - The Atlantic Wire via Yahoo! News

  • Matt Damon in Boston Globe
    They could never make a James Bond movie like any of the Bourne films,Damon told the paper. "Because Bond is an imperialist, misogynist sociopath who goes around bedding women and swilling martinis and killing people. He's repulsive."

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