Yes, most of us could distinguish the cheapest bottle of swill from the best one.
I feel genuinely bad for women who want buy comix and have to go into those horrifying comicbook stores hawking all that garish adolescent male art-swill.
Unaccustomed to normal mastication, these fastidious trenchermen will swill too much and too abruptly and die off in short order.
40% of Designated Drivers Drink Before Driving In theory, the "designated driver" arrangement seems pretty easy: You go out drinking with friends, one friend abstains, and that friend drives home. But in practice, according to new research published on Monday in The Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, a large percentage of designated drivers swill booze anyway. A trio of Florida researchers studied drinkers in an unnamed Florida city ...
June 10, 2013 - The Atlantic Wire via Yahoo! News
EAST WINDSOR: Eatery accused in booze bust EAST WINDSOR Investigators seized approximately 1,000 bottles of booze in a bust across the Garden State, and a local restaurant was one targeted as part of the raid, known now across the nation as Operation Swill.
June 9, 2013 - Windsor-Hights Herald
Ancient Italians Taught the French How to Make Wine Though their grape smashing continues to hold authority across the globe, French wine-makers once had to be taught how to grow, stomp, swill their grapes. Molecular analysis of ancient wine pots and presses in the south of France indicates that the Italians instructed the French on the best methods to turn a delicious snack food into a refined grape beverage. Read more...
June 5, 2013 - Gawker