ste dee
- n a person loved by another person
- v make steady
steady yourself - v support or hold steady and make steadfast, with or as if with a brace
- a not subject to change or variation especially in behavior
a steady beat
a steady job
a steady breeze
a steady increase
a good steady ballplayer - s not liable to fluctuate or especially to fall
- s securely in position; not shaky
held the ladder steady - s marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable
- s relating to a person who does something regularly
a steady drinker - s not easily excited or upset
steady nerves - r in a steady manner
- The band's fifth album shows a steady progression .
- Meanwhile, home prices might steady and sellers might become less willing to negotiate.
- The 11-to-21-year-old market is huge, says CEO Jane Friedman, who predicts steady growth for the category.