unfaltering :

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  • s  marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable

  • Though the Duke and Duchess of York have thus far taken all Australian manifestations with unfaltering good humor, a very different attitude was observed in Dame Margaret Helen .
  • To the mortification of all present, instead of making the resolution unanimous and unfaltering, disloyal Gene Talmadge removed the cigar from his mouth, snarled a bitter "No!".
  • Neither does knowing the ending before reading the book, which is drenched in unfaltering, sullen cynicism.
News & Articles

  • Diana Teaser: Princesses Get Lonely, Too
    Once upon a time, before Kate Middleton and her unfaltering smile, there was a British princess who got cheated on, divorced, and cast out of the Royal Family, all right before the paparazzi's eyes. Based on the teaser trailer for Diana, very little of this royal drama will make it ... More »
    June 12, 2013 - Vulture

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