spook :

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  • n  someone unpleasantly strange or eccentric
  • n  a mental representation of some haunting experience
  • v  frighten or scare, and often provoke into a violent action
    The noise spooked the horse

  • McDonnell specializes in studying wild horses and has occasionally seen the roughsometimes lethaltreatment feral dogs receive when they're foolish enough to spook the group.
  • As one spook puts it: "You can't tell what's going on in Saddam Hussein's head from satellite surveillance.
  • A spook pursued Senator George Higgins Moses of New Hampshire through the corridors of Chicago's refined Blackstone Hotel one day last week.
News & Articles


  • Paul Kanjorski in Reuters UK
    We cannot allow a technological error to spook the markets and cause panic,Rep. Paul Kanjorski said late on Thursday. "This is unacceptable."
  • Rob Tapert in ComingSoon.net
    Sam calls it a 'spook-a-blast,' a wild ride with all the chills and spills that 'Evil Dead' delivered, without relying on the excessive violence of that film,Tapert said. "When one has done three very expensive movies, they get used to...
  • Amy Millan in Vancouver Sun
    I think we're all into the spook,Millan says. "We used to all go to Torquil Campbell's summer house in North Hatley (Quebec), which is like a couple hundred years old, and he used to read ghost stories. : We like the spook, we like spooky...

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