speckle :

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spe kuhl

  • n  a small contrasting part of something
  • v  produce a mottled effect
  • v  mark with small spots
    speckle the wall with tiny yellow spots

  • On the avenues, white lights speckle the trees.
  • Libya, a country of a few backward cities and oasis-speckled sand wilderness about three times the size of Texas, is the first nation brought into being solely by the United Nations.
  • By 1900, black peppered moths outnumbered the speckled variety by 99 to 1.
News & Articles

  • Naturally Speaking: Wildlife babies are best left alone when found
    My wife, Sue, and I took a walk around our neighborhood early Monday morning. Although the robin nests in my yard have failed to fledge any young for various reasons, it was clear that others have been successful. Several speckle-breasted young ones made semi-coordinated flights out of our way, and we heard the screeching calls of others begging to be fed. Baby wildlife season is upon us, and ...
    June 14, 2013 - The Ames Tribune

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