sinister :

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si ni ster

  • s  threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments
    sinister storm clouds
    a sinister smile
  • s  stemming from evil characteristics or forces; wicked or dishonorable
    the scheme of some sinister intelligence bent on punishing him"-Thomas Hardy
  • s  on or starting from the wearer's left
    bar sinister

  • On the 40th anniversary of the moon landing or was it just a sinister hoax? PTI looks at 10 of the world's most enduring conspiracy theories.
  • Long seen as a committed atheist, four years ago the best-selling author drove a stake through the hearts of her followers when she vowed to abandon her sinister stories and .
  • A United Press despatch from Paris read, last week: "Recent reports from Rumanian sources tell of sinister political efforts to diminish the importance of the 'Boy King' in.
News & Articles

  • The Chinese Conspiracy In Orbital Space
    June 11, 2013: While China touts its growing success in launching satellites (20 this year and 200 by the end of the decade, which would be a fifth of the total and nearly half as many as the United States has) American intelligence services believe this hides a more sinister goal in space.
    June 11, 2013 - Strategy Page
  • KINGSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY: Author Judith Campbell to talk about difficult subject
    She calls herself the “sinister minister,” but there are few topics more sinister to the Rev. Judith Campbell than clergy sex abuse.
    June 9, 2013 - Kingston Reporter
  • Sinister Custard Snacks Taste Of Evil
    Not many baking disasters can produce such sinister custard snacks that “taste of evil.” We’ve all had our fair share of baking malfunctions — from the oven dying half way through to our cakes refusing to rise, there are no shortage of bad baking stories. However, not many can claim that they baked some of [...] Sinister Custard Snacks Taste Of Evil is a post from: The Inquisitr
    June 6, 2013 - The Inquisitr

  • Alan Jackson in BBC News
    Mr Jackson said Mr Spector was someone "who, when he's confronted with the right circumstances, when he's confronted with the right situations, turns sinister and deadly".
  • Pope Benedict XVI in FOXNews
    In a world threatened by sinister and indiscriminate forms of violence, the unified voice of religious people urges nations and communities to resolve conflicts through peaceful means and with full regard for human dignity,Benedict told a...
  • Nawaz Sharif in Forbes
    He is a one-man calamity,Sharif told reporters. "The United States should see that Musharraf has not limited or curbed terrorism. In fact terrorism is now stronger than ever before with more sinister aspects."

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