profundity :

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  • n  wisdom that is recondite and abstruse and profound
  • n  intellectual depth; penetrating knowledge; keen insight; etc
  • n  the intellectual ability to penetrate deeply into ideas
  • n  the quality of being physically deep
    the profundity of the mine was almost a mile

  • Reacting to a quip about his opponent's deep experience, Shane sarcastically said that old age does not automatically confer artistic profundity.
  • Would you rather sip a wine that offers simple pleasures than a wine that is famed for its profundity?
  • Faye's writing has profundity that is universal; it transcends cultural boundaries and beliefs.

  • Miriam Defensor-Santiago in
    The baselines bill is another mistake. In the first place, these people who have been so voluble in the media do not realize the profundity and the complexity of the baselines issue,Santiago said.
  • David Laurin Ricken in Chicago Tribune
    After more laughter, Ricken said he actually felt the song carries "a certain profundity," and he went on with a sermon focused on St. Augustine's discovery of meaning through the teachings of Christ.
  • Charles Lindbergh in This is London
    Yet - as Charles Lindbergh wrote to him - his achievement had "a greater profundity ...... you have experienced an aloneness unknown to man before".

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