shallowness :

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sha loh nuhs

  • n  lack of depth of knowledge or thought or feeling
  • n  the quality of lacking physical depth
    take into account the shallowness at that end of the pool before you dive

  • Because of the shallowness of our society and because of the biological differences in men and women, attractive women have an edge at the outset.
  • For man's occasional lapses from God-seeking inevitably result in intolerable shallowness of thought combined with incalculable mischief in action.
  • Some who see the reflection of Franklin in the world today fret about a shallowness of soul and a spiritual complacency that seem to permeate a culture of materialism.

  • Simon Baker in Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
    I love that the character is a fraud,Baker says, "and is aware of his fraudulent nature. (You're) commenting on the shallowness of acting. You're commenting on yourself."
  • Kate Beckinsale in
    Kate told Britain's Sunday Express magazine: "Nothing bothers me except the connotations of being a person who would have plastic surgery. That implies a kind of insecurity, shallowness and thoughtlessness that I don't feel applies to me very much."
  • David Miliband in Xinhua
    Miliband said, adding that terrorist groups "need to be tackled at root, interdicting flows of weapons and finance, exposing the shallowness of their claims, channeling their followers into democratic politics."

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