It was fear of the Other, the poor, the dying--or to evoke a word with biblical authority the pestilential.
Millions more have died while toiling in cramped, pestilential conditions with meager food rations.
Klaus Kinski brought a pestilential presence to the role in Werner Herzog's wonderful remake, Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979), and Willem Dafoe played the mysterious Schreck in Elias .
ALEC BALDWIN VS. LIBERAL BULLIES I'm with Alec Baldwin on punching aggressive paparazzi photographers. I'm with him on Kim Basinger playing visitation games with their daughter. What are conservatives doing demanding Baldwin's head for calling some pestilential paparazzi a "c*ck-s*cking little f*g." It is perfectly obvious Baldwin was just cursing the guy out with whatever bad words popped into his head, not engaging in ...
Nov. 21, 2013 - Ann Coulter via Yahoo! News
Myra Hindley in BBC News But in a newly-published letter to Duncan Staff - whose book on the Moors Murders comes out next year - Hindley wrote: "Frank has been a pestilential pain in the neck over the years with his 'campaigning' and he glories in the publicity himself."