On the western side of the Atlantic you aren't judged by your parentage or whether you streak your hair.
Perhaps his mixed parentage gave him the multicultural background needed to be culturally bilingual, creating the dialogue that may bridge our divide.
Raju, not knowing his prominent, blighted parentage, grows up a vagabond, falls in love with the judge's adopted daughter (Nargis) and is charged with a crime that must be decided .
America a country of immigrants - LETTER TO THE EDITOR: June 8 It was to my complete surprise and many others that the word which won the spelling bee competition recently was no other than knaidel, a Yiddish word also known as matzoh ball, which is a Jewish delicacy served in chicken soup. And whereas this is served often in Jewish homes, I could bet a thousand shekels that it isn’t prevalent in the winner’s home being of Indian parentage. How he happened ...
June 8, 2013 - The Oakland Press
Larry Birkhead in International Herald Tribune Nothing's been determined except parentage and I'm the father,Birkhead said. "It's been a long road and I'm just happy to have this behind me."
Peter Tatchell in FOXNews He was a rebel from the Middle East. His father was Turkish and his mother probably Palestinian,Tatchell said. "St. George's parentage embodies multiculturalism and his life expresses the values of English liberalism and dissent."
Peter Costello in The Age I think I said last night that I had thought up the fund, which I had,Mr Costello told the National Press Club. "But you know, success has many fathers - so I'm willing to go father and Julie can go mother. We can both claim parentage."