obliging :

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uhb lahy jing

  • v  force somebody to do something
  • v  bind by an obligation; cause to be indebted
  • v  provide a service or favor for someone
  • s  showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others
    the obliging waiter was in no hurry for us to leave

  • Perhaps he was obliging the studio's demand for happy endings.
  • Reed, a key Bush campaign strategist and the favorite in the 2006 race to become Lieutenant Governor of Georgia, was an obliging, even eager middleman, judging by e-mail exchanges .
  • What we always sense about the Wise Guy is that he's essentially a Sweet Guy, eager to learn, eager to please, eager to be heroically helpful and romantically obliging.
News & Articles


  • Gary Kirsten in Sydney Morning Herald
    They have offered me the job,Kirsten told Reuters. "I asked them for some time to consider it and they were very obliging, but it's an extremely exciting prospect and, provided a few details can be worked out, I'm looking forward to the...
  • Mahmoud Abbas in AFP
    Abbas told Abdullah that "the United States must step in and put pressure on Israel, obliging it to comply with the terms of reference of the peace process, namely the (internationally drafted) roadmap, the Arab peace initiative and UN...
  • Peter Mandelson in Euro2day
    We should be positive, not paranoid, about the operations of sovereign wealth funds,Mr Mandelson said. "If the funds refuse to accept a voluntary code of conduct, pressure may grow for laws obliging them, at the least, to disclose their...

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