Jawad al-Malaki, a Shi'ite committee member and adviser to Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari, calls the Sunni approach a nonstarter, warning that it could lead to a new dictatorship.
The obvious solution price cuts to jump-start sales is a nonstarter since this would, the Champenois insist, undermine their product's luxury (read expensive) image.
Hagel, who I guessed wouldn't accept and didn't know his name was on the list, was a nonstarter because he had a zero rating from the League of Conservation Voters.
Immigration While the Senate is poised to pass sweeping immigration reform Thursday afternoon, top Republicans in the House are calling the Senate bill a nonstarter.
June 27, 2013 - CNN
Top House Republican calls Senate immigration bill a 'pipe dream' Washington (CNN) - While the Senate is poised to pass sweeping immigration reform Thursday afternoon, top Republicans in the House are calling the Senate bill a nonstarter. House Speaker John Boehner on Thursday reiterated his position that the House would not vote on the Senate immigration bill.
June 27, 2013 - CNN Political Ticker
Dan Bartlett in New York Times It would unnecessarily handcuff our generals on the ground, and it's safe to say it'sa nonstarter for the president,said Dan Bartlett, a senior White House adviser, speaking to reporters as he traveled with Mr. Bush to Latin America.
Bill Nelson in San Jose Mercury News Remember what the goal was,Nelson said. "The goal is to stabilize Iraq. I felt like that that was a nonstarter for them to say that I should ignore the (Iraq Study Group) report."
Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem Post To stop all construction - Jewish construction in Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem - is totally, totally a nonstarter,said Netanyahu.