no-account n an idle worthless person s without merit Usage(s) He's a junior lecturer at a no-account college in provincial England. Concluded O'Halloran: "There is no longer any viable reason we should call our river after an obscure and no-account English King. The absolutely unwholesome and unattractive George Raft is the 'hero,' loose in his relationship with women and a thorough no-account. Synonym(s) goldbrick goof-off ne'er-do-well good-for-nothing good-for-naught meritless no-count no-good sorry
News & Articles no-account Next for 49ers: St. Louis Rams play stinker of game in loss to Dallas Cowboys ARLINGTON, Texas -- I feel bad for those who had to watch the game at home, on television, when the Dallas Cowboys demolished the sorry, no-account St. Sept. 23, 2013 - Inside Bay Area