mountain climber :

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mountain climber

  • n  someone who climbs mountains
News & Articles

  • Man climbs Mount Everest for marriage equality
    A veteran mountain climber is training to ascend Mount Everest to increase awareness for marriage equality in Illinois.
    June 20, 2013 - Peoria Journal Star
  • Illinois man climbs Mount Everest for marriage equality
    CHICAGO -- A veteran mountain climber is training to ascend Mount Everest to increase awareness for marriage equality in Illinois. Chicagoan Joe Rudy says he thinks the mountain climb isn’t much different than the fight for gay rights. The 26-year-old Rudy has already climbed Mount McKinley and Aconcagua. A fundraiser will be held for Rudy on June 27 at Primitive Gallery in Chicago. Proceeds ...
    June 20, 2013 - KMOV St. Louis
  • Man climbs Mount Everest for Illinois marriage equality
    A veteran mountain climber is training to ascend Mount Everest to increase awareness for marriage equality in Illinois.
    June 20, 2013 - WPSD Local 6 Paducah

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