Runnells even forgives baseball's record keepers for spelling his name wrong; a Marine sergeant dropped the last l in an intra-service box score in 1947, and the misprint has never .
Your artist has wrongly labelled the menand it is obviously not a misprint.
And by the way, he won his 14th major on a broken left leg (that's not a misprint).
Gerard Butler Can Crack Walnuts With His Butt Gerard Butler is a man of many talents — like acting, and singing, and cracking walnuts with his butt. No, that wasn't a misprint. The thesp delighted a (seriously enthused) German audience on the popular show "Wetten, Dass…?" when he … Continue reading ?
June 12, 2013 - omg!
Kenyon Martin in ESPN A lot of people are going to think it's a misprint,Martin said. "A lot of people will think there's no way they scored that many points. It's unbelievable. There are no words for it."
Corey Pavin in ESPN It seemed like it was a misprint up there maybe,Pavin said. "It was just one of those nine holes, once in a lifetime for me so far, anyway."