n the monthly discharge of blood from the uterus of nonpregnant women from puberty to menopause
a woman does not take the gout unless her menses be stopped"--Hippocrates
After injections of pregnant-mare serum (a blood extract rich in pituitary hormone), all but three of them developed clear skins, normal menses.
BRUCE AYRESGETTY IMAGES BEFORE MENOPAUSE Many women in their 40s begin to experience a preview of menopause, complete with irregular menses and hot flashes.
From what I have read, sexual maturity (menses) often didn't occur until the age of 16 a century ago.
Puberty, the horror movie Ginger Snapsis more than a teen gore-fest. It's the best werewolf and menses-themed feminist flick of all time
Aug. 10, 2013 - Salon.com
Malcolm Gladwell in Baltimore Sun In other words, what we think of as normal - frequent menses - is in evolutionary terms abnormal,Mr. Gladwell writes.
Anjem Choudary in Times Online Anjem Choudary, a self-styled sharia judge and former leader of the banned British group Al-Muhajiroun, said: "Talk of Aisha as a child when she married is not true. At nine she reached her menses and in those days a girl was considered to be mature...